To start of our 'get back into blogging' kick.... Caroline and I decided to answer these questions. You can see her
post with my answers
Here are Caroline's answers about me....
1. What is my middle name? Nekole
2. What is a fear of mine? Most of your fears are emotionally charged. I think your largest fear is “what is to come”
3. What do you think I consider my greatest strength? You are an amazing support system to this around you.
4. What do you think I consider my greatest weakness? I think that YOU think that it is you don’t know what you want.
5. What is my best physical feature? Your pretty eyes (:
6. What is my best personality trait? You are an amazing confidant
7. Do you think I love anyone? Yes, you do
8. Do you know who my favorite band and/or singer is? Jack Johnson is your boy and Adele is your girl.
9. How would I respond to somebody talking bad about me? If you heard them you’d call them out on the spot. If you heard it through the grapevine you’d wait to hear something again before confronting it.
10. How would I respond to somebody talking bad about someone close to me? You call them out on the spot and tell that person close to you to also defend themselves (because of course that bad mouther is full of crap, right?!)
11. How would you explain me to someone who had to find me in an airport? About my height, has on a hat, is carrying a magazine or 3, looks like a woman on a mission
12. Do you know what my favorite movie is? No… is that bad?
13. Have you ever heard of a celebrity look-a-like for me? Who? Hilary Duff.
14. Do you know how tall I am? 5’4”… a leeeetle bit shorter than me.
15. What are some things I am passionate about? The people close to you, the future, the Red Sox
16. Am I a spiritual person? I think you have become more so recently.
17. Would you consider me a superstitious person? Not so much
18. When am I happiest? At Fenway (:
19. How long have you known me? I’ve actually KNOWN you and who you ARE for about 3 ½ years
20. Does your first impression of me still hold true? Not even close.
21. How have I changed since you met me? You are not some punk kid anymore. You are an adult… you have a house, a dog, responsibilities and your head on straight.
22. What is something I spend too much money on? BILLS!
23. Who do you think I am closest to? Me, Brock and your Aunt
24. Have you ever seen me cry? Not today (;
25. Describe me in three words? Genuine, personable, bea-u-ti-ful
This is how I answered.....
1. What is my middle name? nekole
2. What is a fear of yours? dying
3. What would you consider your greatest strength? Im pretty good at understanding people.
4. What would you consider your greatest weakness? I over think EVERYTHING
5. What is your best physical feature? My eyes
6. What is your best personality trait? I think Im kinda funny…
7. Are you in love with anyone? I love a few people.
8. Who is your favorite band and/or singer? Jack Johnson and Adele… LOVE
9. How would you respond to somebody talking bad about you? Punch them in the face… or at least pretend to.
10. How would you respond to someone talking bad about someone you care about? Confront them… That doesn’t fly with me.
11. How could you be identified in the airport? Describe yourself? Blonde, probably in sweats and a tshirt, Ipod in both ears, most likely people watching with a magazine or 7. J
12. What is your favorite movie? The one that comes to mind is How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days…. LOVE that movie. Also, I Love You, Man.
13. Have you ever heard of a celebrity look-a-like for you? Who? Hilary Duff???
14. How tall are you? 5’4”
15. What are some things you are passionate about? The people I love and the Red Sox
16. Are you a spiritual person? Trying to be.
17. Would you consider yourself a superstitious person? YES! Haha.
18. When are you happiest? When Im around the people I love… friends, family…
19. How long have you known the person who filled this out about you? 3.5 years.
20. Does your first impression of this person still hold true? Not even a little bit.
21. How have you changed since meeting this person? I’ve grown up a lot. I think I have different expectations of myself...
22. What is something you spend too much money on? Bills. That is where ALL my money goes. L
23. Do you think the person filling this out about you will say they are one of the people closest to you? Absolutely.
24. Has the person filling this out about you seen you cry? More times than I can count.
25. Describe yourself in three words? Gullible, Loving, Genuine