I am not the greatest when it comes to crafting, I am getting better though. I started by making one of these:
For a bridal shower... It was supposed to spell out Kami Jo Moran BUT when I proudly held it up to show everyone my amazing achievement... it read narom oj imak. FAIL. :(
So, I tried again... Last weekend we took family pics with the boyfriends fam. I knew these pics were going to be sent out in the yearly Christmas card, so I thought how cute would it be to make a sign (like above) that said Merry Christmas!? This one turned out better... It was all spelled correctly, all the letters in the right order. But the paper I chose for the letters and the paper I chose for the triangles were too similar I guess, and you could BARELY read what it said. FAIL x2. :(
Maybe Im just not good with paper... bcus when I decided to make a gift for my friends baby shower there was no paper in sight! Surprisingly this project turned out incredibly well. Here are the supplies I used before:
And this is the finished project!!!!!!!!!
Im pretty happy with my first complete project! Im so happy with this project that I want to make MORE! So, I've decided to start making and selling these! I can do total custom orders for anyone!! It can be used anywhere, not just baby rooms! It can say anything you want, in any color! There are so many fun options! I think these would be great Christmas presents!
If you're interested, which I hope you are! :) Email me for prices!!! alsiaperas@live.com